overview map
The best restaurants in Prague on one handy overview map
Find the best restaurants in the city of Prague on the map below. All restaurants have been personally tested by an I Love Praag employee.
Have you had a nice and good meal somewhere in the city of Prague and would you like to add this restaurant to the list? Provide all the details online and we will test the restaurant. If the restaurant meets our requirements, it will be added to the map. You can submit restaurants via the following link:
Click on the link to open the map in Google Maps. When you click on the link you can also search the map: https://www.google.com/maps/d/embed?mid=1B9Dyj7M_0Z2hHpczKb9PYegNFexNfv4&ehbc=2E312F
Green = price for a traditional Czech main course less than 300 CZK.
Yellow = price for a traditional Czech main course less than 400 CZK.
Red = price for a traditional Czech main course more than 400 CZK.
Gray = not traditional Czech but a foreign cuisine.
Black = restaurant is on the blacklist. You better not visit this restaurant.